It is important appreciate wine with food as much as it is to appreciate wine on its own.
I must warn you though that my suggestions may be a bit controversial and out of the norm, but this is the way I appreciate food.
For an entree of soup I would suggest accompanying it with a nutty wine, like a Sherry or Spanish wine. A good example is Cauliflower and Scallop soup served with a Spanish wine. If for some reason Sherry or Spanish wine are not an option, then it is best to have no wine at all with your soup dish.
Duck dishes are commonly matched with Pinot Noir, but for me, I think that match is overused and ridiculous. I would recommend a heavier wine, either red or white.
When enjoying cheese, red wine is normally the recommended option. I prefer white wine personally as I see it very complimentary and it will always be my preference and recommendation to my diners.
For any 'cheesy' dishes on the menu, my number one match is a great Chardonnay. It blends well with everything cheesy, for example a cheese risotto is perfectly paired with a rich Chardonnay.
Again, quite the contrary, when it comes to Fish dishes white wine is not always the answer. I would suggest you drink whatever wine you prefer with your Fish and you should also take into consideration how the Fish is cooked i.e in an Asian sauce, rich creamy Italian sauce, freshly grilled with salad or cold with other seafood. All of these things would determine what wine you drink with the fish dish. Fish and wine matches vary so much, it is difficult to make any one suggestion.
Vegetarian food is perfectly matched with a great Champagne, because of the lightness of the wine and the airy-ness of the bubbles. Vegetarian food is a perfect match for a light, fresh, zesty Champagne. Both are clean tasting and light, vegetarian dishes which include tofu, egg and fresh vegetables in particular are best serves with bubbles.
Lastly, the perfect dessert drink in my opinion is indeed a beer! Dessert wines have their place indeed however, I love serving beer with a dessert such as a carrot and lemon ravioli . And by beer I mean a small glass of beer - not a pint!